DMIT Business Opportunity
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DMIT Business Offer -1
Advance DMIT Software With Your Brand Name, Logo, Website With Unlimited Franchise Distribution Rights.
- Unlimited DMIT Report Generation Rights
- Open Fingerprint Scanning Software With Unlimited User License
- Unlimited User License Of DMIT Software
- No Royalty, No Renewal
- Full Training And Lifetime Support.
Call Us To Start Today @ +91- 8791575198
DMIT Business Offer -2
Complete DMIT Software With Unlimited Any Company Branding (Full Source Code)
- Become A DMIT Software Reseller
- Unlimited DMIT Brand Creation Rights
- Unlimited DMIT Report Generation Facility
- Unlimited DMIT Franchise With Branding
- Open Fingerprint Scanning Software
- No Royalty, No Renewal
- Full Training And Lifetime Support
Call Us Today For Business Setup @ +91 – 8791575198
What is Multiple Intelligence ?
Medically it has been verified that the development of the brain, its lobe sand fingerprints is done during the 7th and 21st week of pregnancy. Therefore there is a direct co-relation between the development of the brain and fingerprint. During the development the information is transcribed as our finger prints, that are unique for everyone.
With the Science of Dermatoglyphics one understands his or her hidden potential and talents. This is a science which studies the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. By analyzing dermatoglyphy, we can accurately understand the distribution and amount of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and predict where the potential lies. Although everyone is bored with strengths and weaknesses; if they are identified early, we may further develop the strengths and improve our weakness, so that the left and right brain may grow in a more balanced and blend way.
About Our Brains
- The human brain is the most fascinating three pounds of matter on this Universe.
- During brain development, 250,000 neurons are added every minute.
- The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.
- The hemispheres are divided in terms of what kind of thought they process or produce.
Brain & Finger – How it Connects
Right Brain is corresponding to Left Hand and Left Brain is corresponding to Right Hand.
During the earlier days, when American doctors discovered a strange case where the baby is born without a brain. In this case, the absence of brain is associated with the absence of fingerprints as well. Cases like this repeated throughout history, leading medical experts to believe that the brain is absolutely linked to the fingerprints. Neurobiologists point out that our fingerprints development are synchronized with that of the neo-cortex. For example, children with Down Syndrome have a fingerprints with distinguishable characteristics.
Canadian neurology professor Penfield published the chart between brain regions and bodily functions. In the chart, the relationship between fingerprints and the brain is also pointed out.
Japanese medical expert professor pointed out that the fingers are closely related to the brain hemisphere. Therefore, this has been widely used in many fields.
Benefit of DMIT
Dermatoglyphics is that branch of science that makes one understand his or her own hidden potential and abilities. With the help of dermatoglyphics, we can find out our inborn advantages and give suggestions as per each person’s own characteristics with no prejudice. Our fingerprints never change in the whole life so it is completely different from people who read hands or fortune tellers, which only forecast our future by looking at the palms. Everyone acquires intrinsic intelligence from their parents and if one’s intelligence gets no chance to be motivated and further developed, there is no other way one can develop an intelligence of memory, understanding, analysis, reasoning, and application. By studying dermatoglyphy, we can exactly understand the distribution and number of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and calculate where the potential lies. Dermotoglyphics analysis may help:
In terms of personal growth:
- Left & Right Brain Hemisphere Configuration & Characteristic (Balanced / Right or Left Brain Oriented)
- Comparison & Distribution Of MI (Left & Right Brain)
- Brain Lobes Configuration
- Multiple Intelligence Chart
- Inborn MI & Present MI Ranking & Process Chart
- MI-Related Questions
- Your Personality Type
- Learning Type / Mode / Style
- MI-Related Talents
- MI-Related Childhood Actions
- MI-Related Adulthood Actions
- Genes-Related Parent (Father or Mother) Orientation
- Competency & Compatibility
- One’s gifted key area(s)
- Improves Career, Bride & Groom/Spouse/Friend/Family Members/ Business Partners Competency & Compatibility
- Enhance the sense of the value of life and happiness
- Strengthen communication and interaction skills
- Know how to appreciate people
In terms of education and career:
- Parent-child communication and education
- Target at talents
- Improves General & Special Subject Preferences
- Select a major that best fit one’s desired career path
- Define the most appropriate way of teaching and learning
For Corporate:
- Administration / Finance / Auditing / Marketing & planning / Research & Development
- Sales / Customer Care / Advertising / Training
- Human Resources / Logistic / Personnel / Hospitality
- Top Management / Quality / Assurance / Manufacturing / Legal / Commercial / Purchase
- Explore the potential of an employee
- Recruitment
Toddlers (Age 1-4)
- Understand their inborn characteristic (curious, aggressive, rebellious, persistent and etc.)
- Understand and develop an effective way to interact with your child based on their inborn communication style
- Understand and develop an effective interaction method with your child
- Eliminate the ‘trial and error’ situations with identifying and nurturing talents
Children (age 4-12)
- Gives clear picture of multiple intelligence an
d learning styles of your child to help you understand strength and weaknesses of your child.
- Offers specific suggestions for improvement and tips for parents suggesting number of activities to groom your child.
- Can develop multiple intelligence of your child on your own and save your time and money to be spent on type of education and parenting aid, actually not required
- Better understanding and acceptance of strength and weaknesses of child helps strengthen relationship amongst Parents and child.
- Reduces clashes in adolescence years.
- If worked as per suggestive tips one can turn weaknesses in to strength and excel in preferred career path.
Teenagers & Young Adults (age 12-25)
- Understand your natural character traits
- Discover your own abilities and choose right career path.
- Identify and develop your core competencies.
- Identify the most suitable learning and leadership styles.
- Rekindle your passion for living and revive dreams from the past
- Invest wisely in suitable self-development programs
- Plan ahead to achieve your goals and live your dreams
Adult (age 25+)
- Understanding nature and strength and weaknesses of other person helps choosing right and co
compatible spouse to have healthy family life in future.
- Understanding and acceptance of strength and weaknesses of your spouse helps improving healthy bonding and remove causes for differences.
- Boosts confidence and trust in each other.
- Helps enjoying and growing together by supporting each other.
- Broken family is a major influencing factor on the health of society. Effective use of this report is helpful in reducing number of heart breaks and broken relationships.
Healthy relationship-Healthy couple life- healthy parenthood-healthy childhood- healthy society- strong Nation.
School & Students
- Helps in choosing right academic courses and suitable career path.
- Makes you understand most effective ways and style of learning.
- If followed suggestive tips one can choose and excel in desired career by overcoming weaknesses.
- Boosts confidence and improves relationship with parents and peers.
- Reduces peer pressure by understanding oneself and helps developing well-groomed personality.
- Suitable academics and career path lets you enjoy your Study and work and takes you far away from depression attacks.
- Selection of right career path
- More effective human resources.
- Placing right person at the right place.
- Reduces cost, increases healthy competition and create better corporate value.
- Happy and dedicated employees give better performances.
- Deserving and preferred work encourages better and devoted performance.
- Reduces frequent inflow and outflow of employees.
- Consistency and stability in employees creates healthy bond in employer and employees
- Activities to encourage employees to improve their weaknesses helps better use of talents and strength of the person.
- Reduces cost and energy in trial and error in placement
DMIT Test process
The 3 Step Process=>
Why Schools Of Excellence
A counseling is a session where the client and the counselor come together with a common objective of meeting with the clients problem in a more developmental and effective way. This process leads to action on part of the counselor, personal growth of the client usually occurs and resolution of the problem is an expectation.
We have sound knowledge of DMIT and analysis. Main part of this test is counseling after the report of finger print analysis because through counseling you can understand your/ child’s multiple intelligence and brain functions ,carrier options, learning style, carrier guide lines etc. Our counselor is Certified NLP practitioner from American University of NLP, Certified Advanced Hypnotist and Life Coach.
So we provide you better guidance to improve your child carrier, learning style and better understanding of fingerprint analysis report. We are best service and counseling provider in DMIT .
So why are you waiting fill up the foam of DMIT analysis of your child and give him a new direction, new carrier. We empowering your child’s multiple intelligence . we will contact you.